Evening. Returning home once more today, wary steps and somehow disconnected from the ordinary perception of time. Rain took longer than expected, yet now a dense haze is waving through the streets again. A huge white dog makes its way up the hill. Few people. No hurry. 

(Irgendwann wieder Steine und Felsen hinter sich lassen. Klettern über brüchiges Holz. Wasser aus den Bergen umspült die Schuhsohlen. Ein See, glatt, klar, dann frischt Wind auf und treibt kleine Blätter durch den Nachmittag, schwarz, gelb, die kreisrunde Wellen auf die matt glänzende Oberfläche, das Spiegelbild grauen Himmels zeichnen. Wieder Regenwolken am Rande der Dämmerung.)

Late morning. Cautiously moving on, trying to find a trail for the next few hours. Watching low clouds dissolve in between these different structures and shades of stone and rock.A barking dog, cow bells, unknown and unseen birds in tall trees, and always a layer of raindrops on mossy surfaces. Moments of attention without too much thinking.