Afternoons. Before the storm. The silence of the trees. No noise above. // 📷 366skies
Heat of noon. Above, within. // 📸 lost-in-moments
Early evening. Finally. The quiet light the bright hours. // 📸 366skies
Afternoon, too. Imagining things. Summer and sun included. // 📸 366skies
Afternoons. Trying to still get hold of that Sunday. // 📸 366skies
Early evening. Long days short nights and light still prevailing the dark. // 📸 366skies
Early evening. Quiet textures, few shapes. Not looking up very much, because of the rain. Learning to take the summer for what it is. // 📸 366skies
Early evenings. Bright lights to still stand against the rain. Distant clouds, a soft breeze, a moment of warm days again. // 📸 366skies