Early morning. Empty spaces. Different kinds of quietness. // 📷 366skies
Afternoon. Clouds and temporary thunder. Some wind. No rain. // 📷 366skies
Late evening. Nightfall as a temporal phenomenon and a state of mind. Light of many summers collected in a few lanterns. // 📷 366skies
In the afternoon. Scent of dust and artificial raindrops. Still in the beat of the day, striving to calm down. This is where to go to be the silence inside. // 📷 366skies
Early morning. Spotting constellations, watching dawn slowly fade in. // 📷 366skies
Early evening. Watching with astonishment. Unable to create by oneself what is revealed to a careful watcher. // 📷 366skies
Afternoons. Stepping out of the flow as day slowly steps ahead. // 📷 366skies
Late afternoon. Looking up is ignoring the noise of the streets. Random structures formed. // 📷 366skies