Abendliche Randgebiete. Mehr Leben in den Höfen, hinter den Balkonen. Eng beparkt die Straße. Licht der Kneipe auf Resten von Eis. Irgendwo klirren Flaschen, Männerstimmen lachen. Kein Hauch in den Tannen, die Gespenster warten in Ruhe, durch den nahen Schlaf zu spuken. Have a safe night wherever you are.

📷 noir
View on the world, near 10pm. A thin line of dusk just above the roofs. A few thin lines of warm light, yellow and orange, in the windows across the street. Almost invisible the silhouettes of the backyard trees; sound of footsteps, human and canine, on small rocks. Somewhere out there, a loud bunch of people is cheering whichever event they spend their evening on. Late bus, few passengers, a cigarette lit near the stop, a phone call ended, a sigh floating into the darkness covering concrete that's still warm with the remainders of todays summer. (Have a restful night wherever you are.)
Music for nights, between streetlights and sky, half awake.

The outskirts. Places for mental movies.