Zwischen den Straßen. Harter Asphalt unter den Sohlen. Düstere Schatten hinter rostenden Zäunen. Nebenan leeren sich die letzten Parkplätze der Bürobauten. Mond, heute geisterhaft in Schleiern. Schnee als sich nähernde Ahnung.
Mornings. The concrete world and a brief encounter with Moon, again. // 📷 366skies
Beyond 10pm. Some conscious thoughts left to reap what dropped out of the late day. An invisible summer party moving forth in some backyard, just close to the point where music turns more quiet and a certain melancholy will sneak into every other moment. Too, trying to make eye contact with the sickle moon again but she seems busy drifting through dark city trees. Waiting, patiently. (Have a pleasant night wherever you are.)
Afternoon. Soft clouds, soft sky. The light leaves it all calming and gentle. There's a moon not hidden yet very shy. In between thorns, these days are. // 366skies
Lone traveller.