Closing in on 4pm. Slowly getting used to time between sunrise and sunset noticeably shrinking again. Watching in awe the few mechanical aspects of todays machines working. There's always some comfort in blinking of lights and the random sounds of fans. Not that either of these is really needed here but it makes activity a bit more palpable, a bit less spooky.
9am and on. The more comfortable conversations, and the less comfortable ones. Crunching data, pondering needle-and-haystack analogies yet once more. Office dog sleeping under an empty desk, ignoring everything and everyone. Individual coping strategies.
Nach Mittag und immer noch genügend dichtes Grau. Immer noch weitestgehend formlose Untätigkeit, als Luxus und Herausforderung gleichermaßen. Ferner: Sortieren, diesmal von digitalen Medien. Merkwürdige Erwägungen zum Sammeln und Vorhalten nicht greifbarer Bücher. Zur Halbwertszeit von Fachliteratur der eigenen Branche. Zur Geschwindigkeit, in der sich Dinge ändern, inklusive aller Folgen. Zu Nachhaltigkeit. Und zum Zuviel in vielen Bereichen.
9am. In between again. Too: Looking closer sometimes reveals things for which it wouldn't hurt if they remained unseen. Restructuring task lists. Trying to get certain tools out of thoughts and processes, as much as possible. Watching the steady flow of data. Feeling numb, not always comfortably.
10pm and on. Inhaling the night air, watching colours of the lights alternate near the crossroad. Distant traffic, a train outbound, music stopped a while ago. A Now, like for that machine: About to enter sleep mode but unable to, due to ever-incoming signals.
9am and on, quite a bit. Measuring time and throughput, more than just once unable to make sense of the results unless there's a black box somewhere in between that randomly changes observed data in contradictory ways. Wouldn't be too much of a surprise - maybe everything's possible in terms of intangible logic and structures. (Writing code to trace flow through other, most likely buggy code. What could possibly go wrong?)
Almost 11am again. Raising desk, powering up fan. And trying to find a language that matches the crowd to call in anytime soon. Meandering between a technologists and an end users point of view, constantly stunned how different worlds could probably be.
2pm and on. Making sense, too: That moment of elation after noticing there haven't been any visible results for a while not because something's broken but because eyes were on a wrong system all the time. (Blame it to the heat. Mind's slower in this current state.)