Half a day half a blink later. Weeding automated notifications out of an overflowing mail spool, sorting errors from mere hints and doing what needs to be done to them: Put them on a list. And giving in to the pleasant feeling of having at least restored a slice of order in a modestly chaotic system. Roll a dice, take a sip of water. Keep what you found in this square, and move on to 4pm.

8am and going. Different home office rituals: Dusting off display and keyboard. And moving some books around. Despite all attempts of staying focussed, sometimes switching to mundane tasks helps getting back to track and removing wayblocks in thinking. 

Closing in on 9am. Regrets to have scheduled a call way too long again, unsure how to get these hours shaped. Collecting technical details for things to be encountered left and right of the straight path, even though sure the unknown unknowns will be challenging again this time, too. Few things are really new.

10am and on. Short hours, fast days. Still at the edge between fog and rain. Also, an office across the backyard is being reworked, new tables and closets move in, and people even considered buying some huge plants to counter the pale windowfront. Wondering whether this will start a local trend. (And direly waiting for the fountain to resume operation. Sometimes the uniform noise has a calming effect on heated thoughts.)