4pm and on. Collecting weird misbehaviours of systems again. Still to figure out whether technical issues, design flaws or badly documented features. And then, as always: Drilling holes through components, once learnt that actual errors are swallowed somewhere in layers of abstractions. The glory of accumulated complexity.

10am and on. Still yawning, once in a while. Trying to lead a communication by speaking out loud, just to notice the colleague this message is addressed to actually stayed in home office today. So much for attention span. Second half of the week again and timespans feel to be continuously shrinking.

Mittendrin: Analoge Synchronisation zwischen Kollegen. Grill. Balkon. Nicht immer führen Gespräche zu Lösungen, aber manchmal macht einem das Erzählen Dinge selbst greifbarer, manchmal stockt man halb in den Sätzen und schiebt Anmerkungen gen Hinterkopf für später. Daneben das merkwürdige Phänomen, dass Probleme gelegentlich verschwinden, wenn man Komplexes in seine Bestandteile herunterbricht und jedes jedes Teil für sich vollständig korrekt scheint. Sinnieren über Nadeln und Heuhaufen und über die dünne Linie zwischen systematischer Diagnose und erratischem Probieren, getrieben vom Prinzip Hoffnung. Heute ohne Kuchen. Der Tag glüht und schwitzt.

Closing in on 4pm. Hierarchy clarification. Tweaking office light to meet the mood and satisfy the camera eye. Greybeard wingman mode: Listening, remaining silent. Being sure to nod at the right point in the flow - or wondering whether this kind of nodding actually defines an important point for others to pay attention to. 

9am. Broken audio, metal echoes, meeting seems to have moved into some rather weird place. But it's interesting to drop a word or two and enjoy the effect of it rippling away into an unknown digital distance. (Too: Working around issues instead of fixing them as a strategy to keep tasks on someone elses desk. Even if it means sitting in the shade of a pile of workarounds at some point. But at least it's not shaking much yet.)

Closing in on 9am. Somehow in the first call, window closed with a quiet breeze and this went unnoticed until now. Feeling the heat reflected from the houses, creeping into the room, returning summer again after colder hours. One more coffee to dial up again. Ticking with the rhythm of the day.

8am and on. Inbound invites for meetings with unknown persons, regarding unknown topics. The level of non-determinism a morning probably could bear. (Coffee while dusting off that old crystal ball. Breathing in quiet expectation.) 

Closing in on 4pm. Again: Difficult to provide a reasonable amount of information in certain situations - but trivial compared to providing this reasonable amount of information in a concise, digestable manner. Or: Never underestimate the time spent on rewriting whole passages of text to make sure the message gets through and is seen.  (Heat and sweat, too much caffeine again. Communication attempts. Dangling links.)