9pm and on. Threatening skies: The thunder wresting against being embraced and enclosed by clouds. Western skies clothed in dense grey, as if night and weather were to team up against late daylight. Sitting close to a slightly opened window, breathing the thick warm air, listening to the harsh silence between the houses, almost afraid to even think a bit louder that very moment.
Mittagswolken. Gelegentlich durchbrechendes Licht lässt das Grau noch schwerer erscheinen. Viele Bälle in die Luft geworfen, einige gefangen, einige sind verschwunden. Balance auf einem dünnen Seil, den Hochstapler beständig im Nacken. Das Nebenbüro erfüllen angeregte Diskussionen, bislang ohne Spannungen, aus der Küche klappern Tassen und Teller. Traut man sich auf die Terrasse, spürt man nachdrückliche Kälte, also zieht man sich wieder in die Zimmer zurück, hält sich an warmen Getränken fest und sucht nach einem Einstieg in die nächste größere Aufgabe. (Der Computer hat Mikrophon und Kamera vergessen. Keine Verbindung. Dafür zusätzliche Wege. Und die Freuden von Komplexität.)
Moving towards 10am. Juggling a dozen of balls again, bright ones to have some colour in the morning. Also, considering cleaning the home office window, not sure whether day's really as cloudy as it seems. Keeping distance, to get work done, and the model considers this a good strategy too. (Even though it possibly doesn't hurt to check twice who to agree with.)
5pm and on. The ambiguities of long distance calls. Emphasizing its both aspects. Too, the challenges of finding appropriate words of welcome across many time zones. And trying to agree on a shared reality with one half of the call considering breakfast while the other's getting slowly ready for dusk. (Day went by without sun, but so did the rain. Head in air, trying to catch some wind.)
10am and on. Summing up the morning, filing notes, adding more coffee and cautiously pondering next steps. Priorities are still a bit fuzzy, but the pile of aspects to consider seems shrinking. (Too, the sky turns a tad lighter. Less rain. Temporarily hypnotized by moving trees again.)