(Sometimes, task juggling helps staying awake. Sometimes, task juggling and context switching adds to feeling tired and overwhelmed. Sometimes, there's way more input than one feels up to consume in generally tense days. How to stay calm for those that might need it when being stirred and torn oneself?)
10am and on. Short intervals, different people, random issues. Phone ringing, interrupting already fragile processes of thought. That mode again: Communicate, collect, write down, forget at least for now. There will be a time to wrap it all up. Later. Maybe.
9am and on. Plan for long, cut things short, and try to figure out what to spend time gained in between. Never running short of tasks to fill these kinds of voids but always overestimating ones on cognitive abilities while dancing in between these. Stories of fog and noise, not always pleasant.
4pm and on. Windows closed. In many ways most likely. The afternoon's all sun and no wind and a bit of tension and way too much coffee again. Still trying to figure out the right moment for now to lay down todays tools and tasks and accept there'll of course be leftovers for Monday. Multitasking, microtasking and the peculiar aspects both has, on productivity and on ones own mental state.
Heading for 9am. Day's filling up quickly, first calls, first head-scratching moments, first counting of breath to slow down a bit. (Wrestling, again, that unsettling feeling of handling too many fragments to really solve the puzzle, or any puzzle at all.)