Der Wind wird stärker, das Meer lauter. Eigene Gedanken verfliegen im Abend wie der eigene neblige Atem in einem kalten Wintertag. Klettern über Geröll und umgestürzte Bäume. Abseits der großen und kleinen Stadt fehlte nur eine Fackel, ein Sturmlicht, die Elemente beisammen zu haben. Näher als das kommt man dem wohl nicht.

Steine auf einem Baum, dahinter See und Himmel.

Schnee im Sand, dazwischen altes glattes Holz.

Buchen und Schnee, an einer Küstenlinie.

Rollende Wellen an einem Steinstrand.

📷 lost-in-moments 

(The icy forests and the brown fields. No lack of contrast under this bright sun. The ambivalence of being far from cities and admiring temporary retreats. Mind's still in fast motion.)

Brown bushy hills, a path and the sea behind.

Closeup of a dried blossom. Frozen bushes and grass behind.

Two abandoned trailers parked under a blue sky.

Snow under trees. Light casting soft rays through remains of morning mist.

📷 lost-in-moments 

10pm and shutting down. Window still opened a bit, watching the harbour lights rearrange in a constant flow. Next to the pier, a parked car is started to be heading for the forest a wink of an eye later. Trying to see shorelines out there, tracking vessels using data and patience. Wondering whether Moon is covering herself with clouds now. Collecting what's left of the day to shape dreams of it. Have a calm night wherever you are. 

2pm and on. Arrivals. Routes that have grown familiar with the years. Landmarks, checkpoints, places of longing and yearning and the weird sensation of returning to a place that never was home but feels just close.

Ruegen dam bridge.

📷 travel