Too: Two days to Christmas, the green tree the scent of this time of year - and a sudden, all-embracing yearning for the shores, the wind, the sea.

10am and on. Mornings devoid of shape and direction. Lighting another candle, because light always feels soothing and because they keep a slight sense of orientation in days that sometimes seem dissociated from here and now, whatever that is.

Etwas später, immer noch kalt, immer noch Sonne, ungewohnt und unverdient. Unten brüllt ein Staubsauger, jemand hustet durchdringend und laut. Keine Eile keine Bilder kein Takt. Schon fast wieder nach Mittag. 

10am. Conversation flow. Resting, restless. Wondering to move on, yet not really ready to get out. Incense burning down. Lukewarm tea. A slice of pear and a veil of grey.