Finally, 10pm and slowing down. Putting down headphones, as if they had turned too heavy to wear all of a sudden. Music still playing but into an earless void, much more like a memory and maybe that suits well the choice of tracks tonight. With the month moving on, last Christmas lights finally disappeared from the windows and balconies over there, rendering rooms and facades darker again. And even while the days are gradually longer again, there's still so much light vs dark in these moods right now. Standing below backyard trees, breathing winter while mentally yearning for all kinds of possible springs. (Have a night devoid of gloomy dreams, wherever you are!)
![Fir twigs in the dark, shot with a flashlight. Pale colours.](
📷 lost-in-moments
10pm and a few more steps. As always. Somewhere in between calm and stirred up. Also as always. Changing music, randomly, to finally opt for whichever silence a city has to offer. No new storm yet. But a pedestrian whistling on his way home, the sound of bottles on stone near the pub, the sound of a messenger ringing doorbells carrying a bulky bag of food, and the subliminal noise of all the breaths and sighs and turning pages of books and removing clothes for sleep and water of showers flowing down old rusty pipes combined. Ambiance, dissonant. In between different tales of today. (Have a calm night wherever you are!)
10pm and on. Finally. The wordless silence that starts and ends days. Dizzy, lightheaded and a bit out of touch with everything, knowing that too many close looks reveal things unsettling and disturbing. A heavy door falling shut, as travelers returned home. Lights on staircases, flashing bright, lasting for a few moments, fading again. Breaking news and phone calls and the infinity of worlds beyond horizons. At arms length: A city embraced by velvet darkness. Silent. Indifferent. (Have a soothing night wherever you are.)
(Immer noch geeignete Musik suchen. Zeitsteuerung für die eigenen Lichter überarbeiten, unzufrieden mit den Intervallen, die so gar nicht zur subjektiven Taktung passen wollen. Den Stimmen entlang der Straße lauschen, ohne die Gespräche zu verstehen, aber der gleichförmige, warme Klang gesprochener Worte fühlt sich beruhigend und nah an. Gegenüber in der Küche wird mit Töpfen und Pfannen hantiert, zwei dunkle Gestalten schaffen es, auf beengtem Terrain nicht übereinander zu stolpern und dann und wann am offenen Fenster Wein aus großen, zart wirkenden Gläsern zu trinken. Noch einmal liegt eine Ahnung jenes Sommers in der Luft zwischen den Häusern, der eher eine Stimmung als eine Jahreszeit sein will.)
(Slightly later, just half conscious: The comfort of warm showers. The soft, embracing air afterwards. How not to tremble in sleepy cold. How to float with all the images washed in by the hours, and all the movies woven around by that flow.)