Traktoren dröhnen durch Felder und Straßen,  Gestrüpp auf Anhängern für die kommenden Maifeuer. Luft flimmert über Asphalt, aber die Wärme täuscht. Unter ihren Blättern tragen einige Büsche Dornen, und das ist nicht das einzige, worin sich Hände, Arme, Seele dieser Tage verfangen, was Risse zieht und kaum sichtbare, aber merklich brennende Spuren zurück lässt. Die Welt ist seltsam: Schlafend auf der richtigen Seite des Grabens, darauf wartend, dass alle anderen endlich aufwachen. (Langsam werden die Schatten wieder länger. Immer noch ist die Stadt weit weg.)

10am and on. The sensation of productivity that arises from wiping a plethora of small tasks off the desk. (Inbound calls outbound calls and a lot of minor, odd misunderstandings all along the lines; communication as an ever-unresolved enigma.) At least, light's getting brighter again, even though the day is still too cold to feel comfortable.

Closing in on 9am. Stumbling across communication jungle again. Hiding from fingerpointing, taking a deep breath and resisting the urge to respond likewise. (Again, software stumbles into the day too. A long, dreaded process of discovering edge cases unseen before. And using this as an example to discuss goodness and misunderstandings of agile processes. Nothing's new.)

Close to 5pm. Proactive communication, reactive communication. Or somewhere in between. Wondering how much to own things that went wrong without being fully responsible for that. Neither gut feeling nor recommendations gained from talking to the model really help here. (Sun's moving on too. Another coffee, another deep breath before reconnecting to the afternoon business.)

9am and on. Stories of needles, haystacks, the costs of premature optimization and the issues of understanding bottlenecks way down the road. The slowness, intended and unintended. And the tedious task of handling different threads of communication with different players, using slightly different languages, different sets of information, different levels of detail - and a slightly different balance between optimism and realism. (Torn between digging deep and searching wide, too, and risking running in circles as an outcome.)

Crossed 9am again. If there's one thing more fun than documenting technology, then it's probably documenting technology for the untrained and the impatient. Discussing processes and hurdles. Discussing entry bareers and expectations on the wrong side of the game. And wrestling with ones own level of skills, still having a hard time figuring out how much specialization there is in each single thought.

Irgendwann spürt man ganz plötzlich die Kopfhörer sehr stark. Und nimmt die Verzögerung der Stimme wahr, die im Nebenzimmer spricht und der man über das Medium folgt. Erste Kollegen sind in die Pause verschwunden, rauchen auf der Terrasse, dort unter dem schmalen Rand, den der fadenscheinige Nieselregen nicht erreicht. Sonne drängt durch die Wolken, der Mittag leuchtet weißgelb, aber Erfolge bleiben unsicher. Zwei Etagen weiter unten werden Papiere in eine große helle Blechtonne verstaut, eine große Sitzung endet und entlässt krawattenbewehrte Anzugträger in Flur und Treppenhaus. (Man tut, was man kann und muss. Und der Kaffee ist einmal mehr erkaltet.)

10am and on. Genuinely distracted by whether or not sun's sneaking into the streets today. Still, heavy work seems to be going on somewhere in the houses, but noise remains bearable today. Water instead of coffee for a moment, and a sudden noticing of things that haven't been touched in ages but should have. (Also: Discussing code for which the opposite is true. Either approaches are difficult.)