In engeren Tälern. Mundart, Tradition, Asche, Schnee. Graue Eminenzen erklären Generationenkonflikte. Viel zu viele Gespräche überall. Und viel zu nüchtern für verschiedene Realitäten.
10am and on. Hazy sky hazy mind. Glittering winter embracing last autumns green. Horizon ahead, road beneath wheels. Always somewhere and still struggling to be in the moment.
Almost 10am, and the sun again. Thicker layers of ice on everything. Voices from outside but no one to be seen. The phone keeps ringing, short communication. Sparrows in the fir, mice below the ivy. And an other kind of silence that is hard to grasp.
Along the way. The pale quiet white. City afar. // 📷 366skies
Early afternoon. A sky of gradients today, colours changing with the tides. Sunlight, wind and frost. Quiet clarity. // 366skies