10am and slightly elsewhere. Chasing different kinds of clouds again. Last sunflowers of the season, raindrops on huge leaves, birds in the lilac. A closer perception of nature and one-ness in wet seasons.
Past 4pm. Across the green, neighbours are watching TV in the hut and it's generally interesting to see how diverse ideas of spending time out here are. A barbecue in the making, elsewhere. Brushing dirt off the old path. Feeding the birds. Exercises in temporary refocusing, new week drawing near.
(Die Schmetterlinge, weiß, rot, fliehen aus dem Efeu, zumindest für einen Moment des Vorübergehens. Meisen in den verblühten Köpfen der Sonnenblumen, die Beete duften nach Kresse und Thymian. Berührung von Brennnessel auf nackter Haut. Ein kurzer durchdringender Schmerz, der nachklingt. Wind frischt auf. Weiter den Weg hinunter quietscht die alte Pforte. Nebenan, trotzdem etwas abseits und vielleicht ist das ganz gut so.)
Afternoon. Finding the quiet in the noise. No clouds. // 📷 366skies
Afternoon. Pouring light into the day. And some warmth into a sea of grey. // 📷 366skies
After noon. Watching the weather pass by. Still moving little more than absolutely necessary, which then again doesn't mean much. // 📷 366skies
Halfway through the day. All colours are quiet, no clouds to hide these skies. // 📷 366skies
10pm and on. On wheels again. Small lights,of the gardens slowly disappearing behind. Low traffic, few people waiting to cross the streets, to catch the tram, to move in move out of the rising night. Staying awake, a little longer. Heading home, again.