Switching networks and devices, finally. Realizing that impression of individual speed varies with the hours and seems to be off all too often. Moving in moving out, across the street, just below the roof. A dude in workers suit is getting rid of wallpapers and old paint, until his shift seems over and these rooms are dark all of a sudden. Lacking this light, darkness amidst the houses becomes much more tangible. Taking some notes, striking out others, feeling like ending where one started moments ago, random activities to stay in motion much more than anything to get anywhere. And still no real mood for dreams, doubting all of them. Have a soothing night wherever you are.

đˇ lost-in-moments
(Sich an den Rand des Gehweges setzen, einfach so. Espresso und Rotwein bestellen. Die Augen nicht vom Nachmittag lassen, aufsaugen, was er zu erzählen hat, seinen Duft spßren und sein Gefßhl. Aber es ist fast Winter, die CafÊs sind nicht mehr da. Keine Stßhle, kein Sonnenschirm, wozu auch. Die Gegenwart kurz vor der Dämmerung trägt farblose Kälte.)
2am. Interrupt requested, just unsure by whom. In between days, the silence that embraces the city feels organic and deep. Cautious reaching out for a being both intimidating and vulnerable. Shivering from the touch received in return.
(Windiger Samstag unter hohen Kastanien. Genßgend Abstand zu allem, Stadt eingeschlossen. Noch einmal Sonne vor dem Winter, die bunte Farben malt und das Gesicht heià spannen lässt. Nur der Rotwein ist zu kalt fßr diese Zeit des Jahres.)
10pm, finding rest. The different days breed a different way of feeling tired. And with the huts and shelters preparing to end their year, all the small bright spots are disappearing from the black canvas of the mountains, one by one like stars fading into void. On the other side of the lake, headlights of a larger vehicle cut through the trees along the road, drawing ghosts that haunt nervous dreams on the wild edges between civilisation and nature. Waves hitting the shore. Some rain in the trees. And not much more for what remained of the day.