In between. Repetition to turn events into routine. Brief rest from rest. A sip of water and a peek around the twilight, inside, outside. Forehead on windowpane. Feeling the cold out there. A plethora of reasons for trembling.
Herausforderung anderer Art. Enger Bus zur Stoßzeit. Ein buntes Durcheinander an Menschen und Zielen. Manchmal verschwimmen gehörte und gedachte Worte und es bleibt unklar, welche Themen außerhalb der eigenen Hülle stattfanden und welche reine Selbstbeschäftigung sind. Weihnachtssterne wachen noch dunkel über Torbögen. Auf altem Pflaster drängen sich immer mehr Buden. Daneben schwere Absperrungen, Mülltonnen, Wegweiser. Erste einkaufsmüde Touristen schleppen übervolle Taschen zu den Parkplätzen. Der Vorklang des Winters legt sich Wechselgeld zurecht und streift sein Gewand glatt. Es wird Abend.
9am and on. Old tasks become new tasks. Snow faded, voices in the call echoed away in a digital void. Side tracks: Too much input again. Cutting down more sources. Lacking any productive means of dealing with it. And increasingly lacking coping mechanisms as well.
Die Stille zwischen Dörfern. Abseits der Städte, der Gleise, der Autobahn. Ein Huhn kratzt in Dreck und Laub. Leere Straßen, leere Plätze, keine Menschen. Nur zwei Engel, verwitterter Stein, neben der Kirche. Aber immerhin Sonne.
11am elsewhere. Other cities other concrete other bridges other rivers. The wall of trees is not what it seems, and the houses behind seem to hide in a green more and more turning grey. Closed doors, strong fences, gardens filled with rocks instead of bushes. The effects of living close to wide roads, perhaps.
4pm and on. Bags on the backseat, computer powered down yet kept close for now. Randomizing routes again, this time much more physical and much more annoying. Or: Heading for the woods, cautiously trying to stay out of the way of all the aggressive demanders to encounter out there. Right lane, keeping distances, just fast enough to still notice birds in the trees.
Past 3am. Considering nights as a mental state. Moving all along curves. Hearing, feeling the voices of unseen animals. And the dark roaming that part of world.
3am and on. Rules and exceptions thereof. Not sure whether the world at night might be uninhabited but at least at some point it's about getting used to this very special silence. The hours to pass, indifferent of who we are and what we failed to accomplish yesterday.