7pm and on. Late kitchen mood. Considering the effort of preparing food and cleaning up compared to the time spent on the meal itself. Also, temporarily exposed to daily news, and now silent close to an open window waiting for the raging noise to settle. Never enough wine.
10pm. Slow stop. A different physical kind of exhaustion. Piano through headphones, before the stars move by and evening completely fades. A late Sunday dinner still taking place across the street, huge candles on a huge table and the flickering of the shadows grows into stories and movies of its own. Spending a few odd moments lip syncing random lines of imaginary conversations. And then turning away, in a sudden feeling of guilt and shame, as if being an uninvited guest in an intimate environment. Retreat. Rinsing away the hours. Embracing sleep again. Have a calm night wherever you are.
Far off, 10pm and slightly dizzy. Ready to let go of the day, cautiously peeking across the lines of dawn and morning, in between expectation and vague anxieties. Across the street, evening is still in full swing which means a table with candles and people nearby, a dimly lit desk with a pile of books, a bright huge TV featuring fast cuts through fictional worlds. Orion above the roofs, scent of humid soil and moist grass waving through air like a soft, dense veil. Trying to slow down, not sure about to expect any dreams. Have a calm night wherever you are.
📷 a-different-void
10pm and on, stepwise and slow. An empty bottle a burnt-down candle, Moon came and went by again and a bit of her light left glittering and shining on thin hair. (Hardly moving as to not shake it off.) There's still a party going across the street, but fewer dancing shadows with every hour to pass. Flipping through pages, floating in words, dissolving in mental images, hiding from the week for a few more hours. Have a peaceful night wherever you are.
Etwas weiter gen Abend: Reis, Eier, und einiges mehr. Spüren, wie der Himmel hinter dem Küchenfenster wieder dunkler wird. Dazu zu viele lose Enden, die Tag, Stunden, Blick auf die Gegenwart aufgespült haben. Etwas Wein, zum Kochen. Und Musik, und immer etwas Abstand zu Dingen. Auch wenn man sich mitunter zwingen muss.