4pm and on. Cookies, coffee, controlling. Browsing timesheets and task states. Always balancing critical paths, like an artist on a thin wire but surrounded by storm and fog. Meanwhile, afternoon traffic grows stronger, buses arrive and depart, kids and commuters hustle through parked cars into narrow streets and backyards and doorways, an odd, pulsating scenery to be seen from above. Magpies watching from one of the last remaining antennas in this street. Wind in feathers. And always a distanced gaze.
4pm and on. Not searching, still surprise findings. Afternoons derailed, slightly confused, pondering quantity and quality again and left a bit dissatisfied. Also: Documentation woes, as always. The challenge of knowing in advance what will be needed later on. The model has no idea either and remains quiet.
Anderer Mittag, gleicher Beton. Oder andersherum. Aus einem Fahrzeug am Straßenrand tropft Öl, bildet einen kreisrunden Fleck, malt unbehagliche Regenbögen in das Grau, während Menschen darüber diskutieren, wie man dem am besten beikommen will. Starre weiße Gesichter von einer haushohen Werbetafel beobachten das Treiben unkommentiert. Die schmale Grünfläche ist vereist und rauh, einige Bierflaschen liegen im Gras, braune Scherben daneben, Auch: Lernen, dass die Einschätzung des Wetters falsch war. Frierende Eile durch den bewegungslosen Winter. Gewohnter Kuchen, matter Himmel, Bilder ohne Farbe. Fast schon wieder im Takt.
4pm and on. Languages, models and project solutions. There's always structure in data, and sometimes it is misunderstood. Sometimes things fail more obviously because of that. And sometimes weird phenomenons keep floating through momentary reality until everything's hidden in dense glittering fog. Still searching for a lighthouse out there.
Inbound calls, cell phone, numbers unknown. Ignored, redirected. The missing desire of talking to random strangers. (Also: Message drafts piling up. The challenge of wrestling tasks that keep on blocking each other. Storm in the trees and always too much coffee.)