Later the day, in between moments and hours and stars and the invisible void. Suddenly noticing ones own hand drawing loops, lines, patterns on a sheet of paper, lost in thoughts apparently and unsure what to make of these. Still slightly too fast to perceive the world outside as more than just a blurred stream of colours. Still slightly too fast to hear ones own more quiet voices through the howling noise of the flow. Not yet night, not yet night. Sleep well everyone wherever you are.  

10pm and on and off. Infrastructure all set to go. Always unsure to spend time on automation versus doing things manually, knowing there's a difference in what's more fun and what's more efficient and sometimes it's just about getting things done once and fast. (Eye contact with moon. Drinking her pale light. Watching her course across a velvet sky. Closing this book again, no liner notes, no more chapters for now. Have a calm night wherever you are.)

Zurück über Schleichwege und durch die kleineren Parks, entlang anderer Brücken und die fortschreitende Dämmerung in der Seele. Sehr viel mehr gehört als gesprochen, noch so viele Worte ungesagt, ungeschrieben, ungedacht heute. Zwei Kerzen, eine groß, eine klein. Gegenüber in der Studentenwohnung wird am Fenster gelesen und geraucht, auf dem Balkon klirrt Glas und selbst in erkaltender Abendluft scheint die Nachbarschaft nur auf mildere Tage gewartet zu haben. (Kleinere Handgriffe erledigt. Den Duft, den Hauch der Blüten abgewaschen. Und schließlich: Sortieren, was der Tag noch bekommen sollte, um rund zu werden.)  

Closing in on 4pm. Watching a new play of light, still not completely used to the room in all conditions of the weather and the self. Suspending open sessions, penning down feature requests for what dripped out, wiping old logs, letting data collection start again. Quiet lines in quiet skies.

Current mode of operation be like: Playing the piano until sleep sets in. Composing mental letters that remain unwritten. Reshaping records of the week, cultivating taking notes on paper, accepting ones own shortcomings in taking hand-drawn sketches. It's not getting any better, but there are a few moments in between dusk and dawn for this to not feel as ridiculous and mediocre as it actually is.