Also: Learning about that system you dedicated years of your life building will finally be shut down and discontinued within a six weeks time frame, no replacement. And remembering all that tremendous load of prototype quality code in there that went online once "just to see" - to then remain there for more than a dozen years without getting maintenance or improvements and it way less leaves a good feeling relating to ones own earlier works but a rather bad gut feeling eyeing virtually every piece of software out and running online at present.

(Topologies and hierarchies. Tracing where the actual design differs from the drafted one. Calling out into obscure depths, wondering who is likely to respond and whether this is what's expected. Small differences in data amounting to quite disturbing effects if just piling up for long enough. Map's not the territory. The system does what it does, and it's unsure to even fully grasp whether this is what it should be doing.)

4pm and a bit further. Research, try, repeat. Steps forth, steps back. But at least not running in circles. The lower a level of technology, the more unfamiliar, uncanny all surroundings feel. And the more dusty, rusted everything to come across seems to be. At the very end, maybe there's still an engineer in everything technical, and it always boils down to descending into an engine room to fix crucial problems. Steampunk moods under a chilling wind.