Some steps further. The sound of distant trains and slow jazz nearby. A car parking, doors opened, closed. Dishes placed on a cupboard, below. And always a ringing phone, somewhere. Noticing quite late the absence of stars tonite, and the cold that made it into the rooms again. Noticing ones fingers drawing patterns in the dust on the windowsill, unconsciously, but hesitating to make sense of what's to be seen there. It's late enough, vague enough already, anyway. Have a calm night wherever you are.
đˇ lost-in-moments
Finally: One step back out of that fast-paced time. Like, stepping out of an express train, feeling the windy force of wagons racing by the platform and disappearing in unknown distances, screeching on its metal tracks. Dizzy, a bit. Confused, a lot. Not trying to fall prey to too many thoughts. Imagining the slow passing of winter with the first tulips of the year. And always keeping some candles close to feel the warmth of the light, if needed. Which sometimes it is. Have a soothing night wherever you are.
đˇ lost-in-moments
Closing in on 11am. The icy morning still hiding in a concrete world. Shadowplay along todays paths. And a warm sun somewhere in between.
đˇ lost-in-momentsÂ
Wieder Nirgendwo. Unwirkliche Orte, unwirkliche Zustände und ein Labyrinth aus Wänden, Hecken, Passagen, Toren. Auf dem Spielplatz sitzen dunkel gekleidete Teenager und rauchen, was gerade zur Hand ist. Ansonsten bleibt die kleine Welt sprachlos. Zu frĂźh im Jahr fĂźr Balkongespräche, zu kalt selbst ein warmer Winter.Â
đˇÂ lost-in-momentsÂ
Closing in on 8am. Pausing ones own flow to sink into the pale dawn blue of the morning sky for a while. Eye contact with the moon, a twinkle and a smile. A slow morning is pouring fog into the backyards between the houses, filled with all the light it collected on its way in. Hours to be brighter than expected, and there's something comforting in this.
đˇ lost-in-moments