The trust in autumn to bring these colours. And the hope in winter to cover what's left, to preserve in frost some of the dreams of last summer for a coming spring. Watching transiency in seasons, and breathing all the melancholy emanating from it. // 📷 lost-in-moments
The light of an other kind. // 📷 lost-in-moments
These days again. Year moving on. // 📷 lost-in-moments
The lights. And a mind spinning in itself. // 📷 lost-in-moments
Gemarkungen. Ortsschilder im Scheinwerferkegel. Eine Flagge, ein Hagebuttenstrauch. Dahinter weites dunkles Land. Und vieles darin, was zurückliegt. Gesammelt mit den Jahren.
Later. Of sleep and how to get there. // 📷 lost-in-moments
Along the way. Motionless. // 📷 lost-in-moments
Other peoples realities in the presence of night. // 📷 lost-in-moments