Closing in on 4pm. Filing open and closed issues. Tracking time, always astounded to see the amount of things touched during a fragmented day. Also, wondering what the current grey out there will feel like. (A slow temporary return of winter, odd yet not too uncomfortable.)

5pm and on. The discomfort of quiet waiting. Coffee from plastic cups, empty hallways, doors randomly opening, closing. A bunch of fresh tulips on a fake-wood table. Elsewhere in many ways: Different contrasting realities. 

11am and on. Slowly. Cautiously. A lot of noise and a lot of grey clouds to dominate that day. Ripple lines horizon to horizon, strong winds howling in the streets, little of this likely to change soon. (Trying to focus and keep things in some order. Not too successful for now.)

Close to 4pm. Weather's serious about it now. Fierce rain, more ice than water. A few people rushing through the office yard for the tramway. A few young guys apparently gave up on that, sitting in a large meeting room some floors below, watching obscure video clips on their laptops. A cold and windy grey encompasses everything.

Close to 4pm. Fine-grained snow, or ice, floating through the emptiness of the afternoon street. Wind hasn't much calmed down so it's all about an endless amount of white spot dancing in random patterns, following very individual traces to eventually end up on a window, a roof or the head of one of the grim cyclists leaving the city behind. Answering queries, rectifying technical decisions, trying to find a working state for everything affected by both. (A late, reactive mode of work.)

Wieder unterwegs. Schnee tanzt mit Salzkörnern über die Straße, landet auf verdreckten Scheiben, schmilzt zu Tropfen, in denen sich trübes Abendlicht sammelt. Die Hügel liegen weit hinter dem Wald, ihre Schatten treiben mit dem Tag, hängen an der Seele und lassen sich nur schwer abschütteln. Betonfarbene Übergangsrealität, umrandet von Autobahnbrücken, Vorstadtbahn und Möbelmärkten. Eine eigenwillige, schwermütige Ästhetik. 

Pale grey sky above skyscrapers.

Later afternoon. A constant colour theme, just nuances in brightness and texture. Icy fog between sky and city. // 366skies 

(Hinter der Autobahn: Braune Klumpen Erde in gefrorenen Feldern. Reif und Eis über dem Wald. Dazwischen eine graue Straße im farblosen Jetzt. Auch kurz unter Null kann der Winter trüb und trostlos sein.)