10pm. On/off, both relating to connectivity, power state and mental alignment with whatever track one still could be on this late. A loud phone call on the street, slowly on its way down to the river. The echo of music, once the headphones dropped and city night comes into perception again. Collecting: Things left undone. Snippets from old printouts, part of the personal internet archive. And a bit of dust the summer used to store on the island stones resting on the windowpane. To have and to keep. (Sleep well everyone wherever you are.)
Late summer evenings. The trees and the bats. // 📷 lost-in-moments
Deutlich später: Vage Bilder am Rande von Zivilisation und Nacht. Wohnküche, Schaukelstuhl, Fenster. Eine schnurgerade Linie aus Lampen entlang des Pfades, die irgendwo abrupt endet. Dahinter lebt das Fremdartige unbewohnter Stille anderer Dörfer, der Wald, der Horizont mit seinen sanften Hügeln und darüber der Schimmer fliehender Dämmerung. Duft von Wasser und Wiese, intensiv in verwinkelten Fluren. Noch ein Trinkspruch auf die weiche Dunkelheit und die Gespenster, die durch die Träume spuken.
10pm and on. Below the fir, physically, mentally. Counting the stars that peek through the needles. And the windows that still are lit. A kind manifestation of night, and a deep calm gratitude for the moment, the day.
11pm and on. Pausing, looking back to take a peek at the traces left behind. Early leaves of cherry blossoms covering a concrete parking lot. Teenagers in dark clothes hiding behind bushes and shopping carts, gathering around the blue glow of a larger speaker emitting french and russian rap. Some cars remained here even when the store closed down, nobody apparently bothered. Stories of hiding in the niches of todays world, even while they're getting smaller and more uncomfortable. But for the moment, night caresses quite a lot.