Noon. Along the way. Catching glimpses just a bit before the rain. // 366skies
Afternoons. Floating with the wind, catching a few drops of rain. Enough grey to cover the blue, enough blue to disrupt the grey. // 366skies
Afternoons, decoupled from any sense of time. In between sun and rain, and always somewhat facing storms. // 366skies
6pm and on. Still finding a good breathing frequency. The tension usually becomes visible only after it's gone, replaced by a flood of thoughts breaking dams.(Supper in the garden. One with the blue and the green, reasonably far from the noise. Keeping the surge of inspiration up for a moment, the resonance experienced in few situations of striking the right chords. This is where the day went.)
Lunch breaks. Some wind, some light, some mental escapes in between. // 366skies
Hinter den Zwischengebieten: Steppensalbei, Pfingstrose, erster Mohn auch in dem Grün, das einen in der Stadt duldet. Red Ale, frisches Brot. Immer ein Stück Abstand vom heißen Asphalt, vom nicht minder heißen Pflaster. Von den hageren Typen in den hautengen Sportanzügen. Von den mürrischen Blicken, von all dem abwesend Zorn. Mäusefernsehen und Mönchsgrasmücke. Es wird Abend.
11am and on, out in the green: Discussions of relevance with the birds. Watching the trails of a 747 heading for Hong-Kong, remembering past future visions that just too often were about crossing long distances. A good way, at least, to keep some thoughts off limits.(Wondering about ones own authenticity vs taking oneself way too serious...)
Afternoons. The bright skies, the stark contrasts, the ragged clouds. Somewhere in between, somewhere in all. // 366skies