8am and on. Preparation freeze. Resisting the urge to modify even minor details, knowing there's always something that needs polish and still late changes will only make things more fragile. (Gazing through the window, focussing on infinity for a split second, letting inner monkeys race free to get them tired and calm. Waiting.)

2pm and on. Creeping out of rabbit holes. Or avoiding to sink any deeper. Questioning the world, oneself, everyone else. Noticing error logs flooding quickly. Leaving bookmarks, collecting snippets. And watching the doves hide under roofs as haze turns to rain. 

9am and on. Slightly unsettled by colleagues using machine-generated avatars in internal chats. Also: Fast context switching again, knitting old ends into new ends and more than once having fingers in between. Long calls, short agenda, too many people. Day's dressed in the grey of doves and clouds again.

9am and on. Warm sun and sharp shadows. Overcoming first obstacles, getting first appointment clashes out of the way. Trying to pile offcut time and feeling slightly guilty about that. Meditations about island stones. A few seconds only. At least, no negative effects to report.

9am and on. Late mornings and frogs, at least as a metaphor. There are always things leaving one relieved once finished. Missing superpowers: Breathing away tensions. Smiling away conflicts. Still an apprentice at communication, after all.

3pm and on. Clouds to sun and back again. Weather as a re-occurring topic to bridge inconvenient silence. Weather as an escape to wrap around thoughts in order to keep them away from things worse than that. Also, watching subsystems fail and respawn, with all temporary state vanished. Cautiously nodding, as if to ensure oneself of having understood. Which might not be the case.

Mittagswind in den Jalousien. Dazu passende Schattentänze auf dem Schreibtisch. Noch leuchtet der Donnerstag durch das Loch des größten Inselsteines, hinterlässt einen Punkt, der unmerklich, aber stetig wandert. Imbiss am Platz, Wasser und Kommunikation zu jenen Dingen, die den Plan dieser Stunden für sich beanspruchen und formen. Daneben: Fortschrittsbalken, Zeitstempel und die Ungeduld, die schwache Infrastruktur in kritischen Situationen noch verstärkt. (Genügend Turbulenzen auch kurz über dem eigenen Kopf. In den Höfen rauchen die Berufsschüler von nebenan, bilden abgegrenzte Grüppchen, sind erstaunlich leise in dieser großen Schar. Spiegelungen der Straßenbahn. Und ringsum ein dunstiger Horizont.)

9am and on. Staring with amazement into that milky halo surrounding the pale bright disk this mornings sun appears to be. There's a grinding noise slowly echoing away, unsure whether real or just imaginary. State changes in fixed systems, datasets corrode, old information is lost. Tiny steps and the effects of lukewarm coffee. Also: Adding more topics to the list of things not to discuss. There's too much energy drain in pointless things already, anyway.