Closing in on 8pm. Returned. Slowing down. Recharging, still short on rest. Grateful for moments given, yet exhausted. Needs music but calm and dark. Avoiding everything to harshly pierce into that odd state of soul and mind. 

3pm and on. The afternoon has more fireworks, a bit more noise and a bit more coffee, cookies and the silence of candle-lit rooms. Still unsure what conclusion to draw from another year that passed, still unsure whether there are any resolutions to strive for the coming months. Maybe, being oneself and remaining kind seems a good starting point though.

6pm. Kitchens under dark skies. Cleaning up. Routine speeds things up. Boxing and freezing leftovers. Eating some cookies that remained after these hours. Way too much coffee, racing heartbeat and a dizzy noise in ears and mind. A sigh. Slowing down.

A bit later, sun briefly returned to leave a feeling of embarrassment looking at the world through windows stained still with other seasons dirt. Hazy light, a cold breath from across the river. Inner speeches. Outer calm. Choosing a face that suits today.