Late afternoon. Always in spring or summer. The challenge of being right here, right now. // 366skies
Early evening. Hazy skies. Structures dissolving in warm colours while city's slowly freezing over again. // 366skies
8pm again. Stormy mild air, too many thoughts under wide skies, and an unkind headache clutching around the brain.(Keeping eyes closed under the weather for a few moments. Listening to what's invisible by now. Trying to not try much more today. The challenges of being unproductive way early in night.)
Early dusk. Sun in dense clouds, just enough light to not only see but somehow feel it. // 366skies
7pm and on. Slowly adjusting to regular speed. Late fireworks across the river, and heaps of burnt-down trash piling up near the bus stop. First contacts of the year, ephemeral conversations, wishing each other well. Still not completely here again.